Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blogging, blogs and bloggers

I cannot remember exactly how I came to take up blogging. First came the computer and internet connection, then I simply explored the world wide web. One of the first sites I came across was Comment Is Free on the Guardian website. I remember finding something else on the Guardian site, Lest We Forget, about where should Maggie be buried. I found the comments entertaining and I had to sign up if I wished to post a comment. I soon found myself under attack by another poster. I enjoyed the skirmish. Other skirmishes were to follow on Comment Is Free. I enjoyed these too. I particularly remembered the one involving Rachel North London's piece on the subject of her experience on 7/7. I noted that some posters were getting hot under the collar. I desired to enter the affray. So, I picked my words carefully and posted a comment. Some felt that I was attacking Rachel North London. But this wasn't the case. I was merely being pedantic on some of her choice of words. Another poster who came under attack was Billstickers, I noted that he also picked his words carefully. We formed an alliance and saw off the opposition. Frank Fisher captured what some other posters had to say about this gun fight at the OK corral.Re: Re: Comment is freaking
by Szwagier on Wed 19 Jul 2006 10:08 AM BST | Profile | Permanent Link
billstickers is my hero - scourge of hypocrisy everywhere. Mind you, the jailhouselawyer also has a mind like a steel trap. When they join forces, you'd better hope you're on their side!
Re: Re: Re: Comment is freaking
by highvolumecrisis on Wed 19 Jul 2006 11:21 AM BST | Profile | Permanent Link
Yeah - jailhouselawyer's an intriguing case. I did a run-through his bio as he alluded to it - HELLFIRE!!

Now if anyone should submit a comment for inclusion, I'd love to hear what he has to say on the whole prison/reform/institutionalisation that governed his life and led to him becoming what he is.

Problem there though -- get an amateur commenter who can write, has something to say AND the experience to back it up -- the powers at CiF might see that their paid commenters are looking ever so slightly unfit for purpose.

Emperor's new clothes n all that.
Re: Re: Re: Comment is freaking
by WoollyMindedLiberal on Wed 19 Jul 2006 08:40 PM BST | Profile | Permanent Link
Being on the same side as jailhouselawyer is not nearly so instructive as being on the other side. Being proved wrong is much more interesting than an easy win. Give me RachelGaston or jailhouse any time but SandyK and KCharlesSimmons I can live without.

What emerges is that by blogging you become part of a community. Not everybody else agrees with everybody else, which makes it interesting. I was interested in Rachel North London, so I pop over to her place and have a nosy around and leave a few comments. She did the same with my blog. I was intrigued when I read a few comments on her blog that did not attack her for what she had said, but for who she was and what she had gone through. I felt that this was a bit naughty to say the least. Gradually, the story emerges here. I think that FJL has a very eye catching blog. The design gets 10/10. But, it is not the packaging that matters but the content. And this is 0/10. She latched onto Rachel North London as I had done. But there the similarity ends. She became envious of her fame, and a bit like Mark Chapman assassinating John Lennon, only she used a poisonous pen letter as her weapon. The problem with this is that all the bits of paper did not add up to anything, ie, all her allegations against Rachel North London were just that allegations. Natural justice requires that the case be stated. She failed miserably to make out her case. Rachel North London came out of this smelling like roses. FJL has a good blog design but her life is empty.


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Jailhouse look at her design now - quick. ( 8.50pm, Weds)

  2. I took a look, a bit like a chicken running around without its head...

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    BTW FKL's blog HAS been sabotaged for whatever reason as the links do not work and one is directed to a hosting company if you try to write the given links into the address bar by hand.

    Why? I dunno. Not nice shit, f'sure.

    'Slookin lahk some sorta coup to me!

    (thanks, Idi!)

  4. Anonymous10:06 AM

    FJL's blog design was not her own work, but the work of a graphic designer, whom she then proceeded to argue with over money, and when she was found to be in the wrong, got her 'revenge' by proceeding to stalk and harrass him, publicly calling him a stalker, evil, a pervert, a rapist and murderer and so on, trying to make his busines and reputatation go under.

    If he has chosen to remove his links from her vile blog, then fair play, TBH.

  5. anonymous 9.06: I am aware of this from Rachel North London's blog, and don't have a problem with it. The 10/10 for design obviously meant before the changes. Now, it is drab...

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Anonymous 9.06

    That would explain that one, I would have done the same. Not nice to do a job for a price and then have to feck about arguing the toss over something which had already been decided.

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    hmm.. cognitively
