Thursday, April 05, 2007

Penny for the Guy's thoughts?

Chris Paul has this Guido exclusive.

It is good that Paul Staines and David Rose, have over time established a relationship. However, I am not convinced that Paul Staines' version of his intention or motive if you like stands up to scrutiny. Sun headline "Guido spies on the BNP". Walter Mitty-ish isn't it? Especially, when Paul Staines is politically extreme right wing himself. And, his track record shows that he attacks the left.

Paul Staines aka Guido can pull the wool over other people's eyes if they let him. I will keep my eyes and mind open rather than fall for this self-justification which raises more questions than it gives answers.

Hat-Tip to Chris Paul for this image which says it all...


  1. Thanks John

    Obviously Guido is a liar and mistaken on some things. But I really don't think he's racist. Time for a break from this story and perhaps some day soon I can right the book on rehabilitating a mad right wing blogger from the well meaning intentions of his enemies ... and other stories.

    Still planning to investigate that period of FCS/NF/BM/BNP collusion but will actually be very pleased if Fawkes is in the clear on this one.

    I don't want anyone to be a racist (as I have said in private email to him).

    Staines hasn't been on with his read and agreed copy of the "dogs of law called off" contract but I don't think this is actionable if it ever was.

    Thanks for your support. Let's get him for something else now!

    best w

    Chris P

  2. I have noticed that so far no person has descended to the depth of referring to this man as "Wank Staines".

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Sorry to disappoint you your Holiness but you are misinformed...
