Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sheriff's shining star

The cranky Los Angeles Sheriff who decided to free a jailbird 3 days after a judge had sentenced her to 45 days imprisonment, has claimed that one of the reasons he decided to release her was that he believed that the judge had got it all wrong. This miscarriage of justice makes the Birmingham 6, and Guildford 4 cases pale into insignificance.

This poor woman just happened to be driving whilst disqualified, in a drunken state, and with the headlights off, going down Sunset Boulevard at night, and she was spotted by the Highway Patrol. The black box recorder in the patrol car recorded the dialogue between the two patrol officers:

Officer 1: "Oh look, there's a star".
Officer 2: "Right let's pull her over for being a star. It's a criminal offence in America to be a star".

The judge took a different view. He believed that her offences were related to drink driving, driving whilst disqualified and driving at night without lights. What a senile old judge.

The star who shall remain nameless to protect her privacy said:

"Mom! Mom! Mom!". Obviously, a mummy's girl. She added:

"It's not fair. It's not right!"

The star is famous chiefly for being spoilt and rich.

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