Monday, August 06, 2007

Madeleine's blood found in apartment - it is claimed

The usually media hungry Gerry McCann has been very quiet firstly at the news that Madeleine died in the apartment, and now that it has emerged that traces of blood, believed to be Madeleine's, has been found on the walls of the apartment. Evidence suggests that an attempt has been made to disguise this fact. The police are still not treating this as a murder inquiry, as yet, because there may well still be an innocent explanation.

It is not just Gerry McCann who is keeping quiet about these recent discoveries, but also the British media. I think it is time that the British media holds its hands up and admits that Gerry McCann gave them the run around, and they about turn and give him the savaging that he deserves.

UPDATE: Daily Telegraph now has blood on flat wall story, here.


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I have been following your reports on this story with great interest John; why do you think the British press are not reporting any of this ?

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    If these reports coming out of Portugal are correct, then the fact that the blood was wiped up is probably the most damning. Why would a stranger do that?

  3. All I know is that I have had 90 visits in the last hour, and 270 today so far, therefore the Madeleine story is of interest.

    I never accepted the abduction line that the mainstream media ran with. For them, it was a beautiful white girl of professional middle class parents. There was a frenzy of reporting. They wanted the story to be as they were reporting it. But, I kept finding inconsistencies which the mainstream media chose to ignore. It's as though they are saying don't spoil a good story.

    Even now, they are still focusing on Robert Murat who I believe is a red herring. I think the police are just making sure before they rule him out. Then I believe that they will turn their full attention to the McCanns and their party.

    Perhaps, the media has got used to spin with the Blair government and this has become the norm?

    If this had been a poor working class family, perhaps black, I am sure the media would not have been as interested and the parents would have been prime suspects from the word go.

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I've just re-read that article and "discovered on a wall in the bedroom that was occupied by the McCann couple" stands out. I was wondering how the twins slept through it all.

    Can't recall seeing any cuts on the McCann's at their press conferences. That last picture to be taken of Madeleine at the poolside didn't show any cuts on her either.

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sorry, but I think your theory is bullshit. I don't believe for one freaking second that the parents have had anything to do with any of this.

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Annon 12:40 ...
    When the British police have been allowed to interview the McCanns separately at police stations in the UK.
    Then I might start to look outside of the immediate family for Madeleine's killer.
    Until that day I will strongly suspect one, or both of Madeleine's parents as being implicated in her death.
    It may have been a tragic accident, or foul play, but either way the abduction theory is a smoke screen.

  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Unless and until there is documented evidence to support this claim from any of the official sources, we can take it as rumour.

    The interesting thing is that the majority of people-in-the-street I have spoken to (i.e. no connnection in any way with the family or the media or the police forces) had an initial reaction that it was an 'inside job' and the family are to some degree complicit if not outright responsible.

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Now being reported by the Mail online

    Even though they are having to admit that their source is the Portuguese Media it has not stopped them trying to trash said Media in their report. They haven't reported that the body would have had to have been dead for at least two hours to give off the scent of Death though. So still protecting the McCann's, at this stage.

  9. anonymous 12.21: According to Kate McCann, Madeleine did not sleep in the same bedroom as the twins on the night she disappeared.

    anonymous 12.41: They have to be prime suspects, clear them first and then look outside the family. It would appear that the Portugese police have approached this arse backwards.

  10. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Bloody Disgraceful that the UK Media are now trying to Blame the Portuguese press and Police as being incmpetent.

    This latest info has been available for days now via the blogosphere and the source? Yes the Potuguese Press and Police. The British media just chose to ignore it and ran with that pathetic Kate McCann pre arranged interview.

    No wonder we (the UK) have such a poor reputation these days.

    I sincerely hope Murat manages to sue the British media for every penny they have made out of him. You never know he may just part with some of it to Children's charities, unlike the McCann's and their fighting fund.

  11. anonymous 7.34: As yet unconfirmed report that Gerry and Kate McCann have been taken to a Portugese police station.

  12. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I can not recall when an exclusive interview was ever boasted by all the Sunday press and they ALL printed the same Hymn sheet.

    Team McCann must be well pleased at such a result.

  13. anonymous 8.15: Call me cynical, but it does appear that it was designed to steal the thunder of the investigation closing in on them.

  14. Anonymous10:12 PM

    the story is being reported in typical BBC 'this-doesn't-concur-with-our-bias' style:

    "Police have refused to comment on press reports that traces of blood were found in the McCanns' holiday apartment. "

    They report that the police are refusing to comment on "reports", without actually bothering to publish any story on those reports themselves.

  15. Matthew: Just watched the News at Ten report BBC. I notice that they are now using disappeared rather than abducted, which is a development and that they confirmed blood had been found, but say the Portugese police are not being helpful. And that the McCanns are upset about the reports in the Portugese media.

  16. Anonymous10:35 PM

    oh dear, I suspect the McCanns will be a bit more upset when the whole multi-million pound operation collapses and the truth comes out. Looks like it might not be long now, though there looks to be much evidence that has been destroyed.

    Up to £946,843.92 (as of July 26th), doubtless over £1m now. Probably about as much as the first Comic Relief raised.

    The wikipedia article still leads with "abducted", based on a BBC report from May saying that the police said she had probably been abducted. I don't think there has been any official refutation of the abduction line, though it is absurd

  17. Matthew: It is time that somebody updates the wikipedia story, because the BBC News, Newsnight and ITV News have all referred to the disappearance of Madeleine. As the abduction story started with the McCanns and not the police, it has gone 180 degrees, and put the McCanns back in the frame.

    Why would an innocent couple need to invent an abduction story? On the other hand, a guilty couple would need to explain her death or disappearance. I will be interested to hear what they have got to say now...

  18. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I am waiting for the BBC cover up story:

    MADDIE ABDUCTED BY ALIENS - McCanns submit film evidence

  19. Not Aliens, and not the BBC either:

    Madeleine Blood Clue:

    Girl injured as she was snatched from the flat.

    Kidnapper tried to wipe away the the vital evidence.

    If it wasn't a tragedy, it would be a comedy.

    What a load of convoluted cunting shite.

  20. Anonymous12:38 AM

    The times report that an oceanographer has been called in.

  21. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Makes you wonder what our media is for. Their rush to give Princess Di status to the McCanns silenced any sensible debate (outside of the blogosphere) on other theories, even on the issue of neglect. Whatever happened, do we, as a society, have the media we deserve?

  22. zinzin: Thanks for that.

    anonymous 11.47: Have just posted a new piece which puts it firmly back to the McCanns. And, the media owes us a duty this time to search for the truth.

  23. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I have always thought it was a case of Munchausen by Proxy Disorder.

    I have written it many times in Blog earlier this year.

    The parents story doesn't sound true from the begining.

    No real parents are leaving their infants alone in a apartment.

    And this two that am working in the hospital fields and must have seen many case of child abuses.

    Why they are Media hungry is because they have Munchausen by Proxy Disorder, how else can they leave their twins for 2 months ?

  24. Anonymous7:04 PM

    most of the posters on this thread are a bunch of pathetic, heartless morons. The only positiv e thing you can say about them is that they are too stupid to even realise it.
