Thursday, August 09, 2007

Where next for the McCanns after this PR disaster?

Gerry and Kate McCann were advised by their new PR man not to exclude the Portugese media from their next media circus performance. However, they decided not to take that advice and only performed in front of Sky News, BBC News and ITV News. Their tour of Portugal was called off because of the growing hostility towards them in Portugal, people in the street have been calling them murderers, and the Portugese media has been attacking them, and now Robert Murat's lawyer has attacked the McCanns.

What normally happens when someone overstays their welcome they take their leave. The host country is saying enough is enough, but it appears as though the McCanns are not listening. Gerry McCann who normally updates his website every day, has not been able to write anything positive for two days. Perhaps, tomorrow, he will write and tell us how well the media interviews went with Sky, BBC and ITV? In any event, I feel that it is a PR disaster to exclude the media of the host country. If the McCanns don't fancy returning to Britain, and they have outstayed their welcome in Portugal, I wonder where they will go next?


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    With a £million plus sitting in the bank, Team McCann could relocate most anywhere.

    But what exactly is the balance of the Team Mccann fund? Three PR agents(though on a diminishing scale) and several teams of top London lawyers do not come cheap. Especially when employed 24/7 relocated into a foreign contry.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM



    are potential

    SUSPECTS of murder/abduction

    Employing PR AGENTS?

    And the press sayimg SFA?

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    According to an earlier post -

    According to police statements leaked to Spanish magazine, Sol, Mr McCann checked the children at 9.05pm. His friend Jane Tanner said that ten minutes after he returned to the table, it was her turn to check the rooms. A few minutes later Dr Oldfield checked, entering the room and seeing the McCann children asleep.

    Yet according to the Times online website - Miss Tanner told police that she saw man carrying a child close to the McCann’s apartment at about 9.15pm on the night Madeleine disappeared, leading to the theroy that she had been abducted by a stranger.

    So either Madeline was in the room at 9.15, which means that the child Tanner saw was not Madeline, or Madeline was not in the room at 9.30 when Oldfield checked

  4. anonymous: I wondered why Gerry McCann needed a "fighting fund" at the start when this is normally done for a political party in an election. Only someone who needs to put a spin on the facts requires a PR agent.

    dan: I have never accepted Tanner's statement, it was just to convenient and changed each time of telling with more and more detail being added. The whole checking on the children regularly story is full of flaws. I don't think Madeleine was there whether Oldfield checked or not. I don't think she was there at 7pm when they went for their drinks and meals.

  5. Well I'm sure the McCanns will not be winging their way back to Blighty.
    Otherwise the Old Bill might be asking them a few questions - separately!

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    perhaps a nice private island in the Maldives with a large staff? For their privacy of course.

    There's actually nothing at all stopping them exiling themselves with their million quid if justice ever starts to catch up with them..
