Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Prize Nazi dickhead

Prize Nazi dickhead.

And, this paedo has the cheek to claim that my blog is the darker side of blogging and that my freedom of expression should be curtailed?
"Top Tags

What eShotgun is about

1. blair
2. dale
3. twats
4. cunt
5. cunts
6. deluded cunt
7. froggy cunts
8. monkey fucker
9. really sad cunt
10. sad cunt
11. sad labour cunt
12. tory ring licker
13. traitors
14. very sad cunt".


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Paedo? You're the nonce here sunshine.

    I may, or may not, be all you claim here, but I have never murdered a little old lady in cold blood, from behind, with an axe because she showed me a kindness, and served decades in jail as a consequence. You have.

    I have served my country in more than a few conflicts, watched my friends die, and been decorated. You haven't.

    I think that says all that needs saying, except for please link to my blog and where you reference..as I have done to yours.

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Just checked out the "shotgun's" blog. Obviously not a purdey is he. He seems to have a problem expressing himself and keeps filling in the voids with references to female genitalia. He might have done some time as canon fodder but I shudder to think in what capacity. I would hazard a guess that the only officer's mess he's ever been in contact with was white and sticky.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    LMAO!! Is that the best you apologists for unapologetic murderers can do?

    I pity the lot of you, if any of you there are and that anon isn't the cunt himself...

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Yes, he's a sort of imitation Devil's Kitchen without the brains. An ex-squaddie, he claims, perhaps he had them shot out!

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Nice to see another ex-squaddie here. Where did you do your service? I served in the Paras, done a stint in Northern Ireland and have similar experience to yourself with losing mates. Yes, I can remember being decorated - with the brains of one of my best mates.

    One thing I don't do tho is keep on chucking somebody else's past life back in their face. Get a grip and move on, I've seen your blog and you seem to have issues, don't we all?

    If you don't like what someone has to say about you, just don't go there. Simple, really.

  6. shotgun: You're wrong. Neither have I. She wasn't renowned for her kindness. I have. Stop coming the old soldier. It's a pathetic whine. I wipe the floor with you on stats because I have a more interesting blog, and that's all that matters in the blogosphere.

    As requested, I have put in the link. But don't expect too much traffic, as my readers are more discerning and one look at your tags "cunt this, that, and the other" is likely to put them off.

  7. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Handbags at dawn here.

  8. Anonymous11:16 PM

    shotgun: You're wrong. Neither have I. She wasn't renowned for her kindness.

    Now that is very interesting...you are saying, quite plainly, that your victim deserved it? That is interesting when we look at the Guardian interview and how she was described. '...and she gave up the main bedroom in her house to the itinerant labourer partly for a bit of extra cash, but mainly for company. She was lonely in the house.' So this lonely old lady that gave up her bed to you, was deserving of being murdered in cold blood because she, allegedly by you, wasn't known for her kindness?

    Here's the link to the story:


    I notice you don't include any of these details in your profile do you?

    I have. Stop coming the old soldier.

    Why? Besides, I haven't given any details and have only made a comparison.

    It's a pathetic whine. I wipe the floor with you on stats because I have a more interesting blog, and that's all that matters in the blogosphere.

    And that is important to you? It isn't to me. I work and have a family, and don't sit there all day and night at my tax payer provided PC.

    As requested, I have put in the link.

    The link was meant in the article to show where I was quoted...I certainly don;t want to be sullied with a permanent blog link from you.

    But don't expect too much traffic, as my readers are more discerning and one look at your tags "cunt this, that, and the other" is likely to put them off.

    Are they really so discerning? Would they be if you were honest with them in your profile? Lot's of anons and faceless supporters in this thread.

    BTW: Squaddies don't do a stint and they didn't serve in the paras, they were a para.

  9. Shotgun: I am not saying anything of the sort. I am saying that I did not commit murder. The charge and conviction was for manslaughter. It wasn't the main bedroom but the back bedroom. The other 6 or 7 ex-cons who had stayed with her described her as unbearable. I tend to agree with them. The details as you refer to the article is in my archive if you had bothered to look. Link The taxpayer did not buy my computer, friends bought it. The link is in the post, I updated it. I wouldn't link to you in my side bar that's for blogs I recommend are a good read. It's because I am honest with them that they keep coming back. Not everybody is as angry, bitter and twisted as yourself.

    Your last comment you should have addressed to Geordie...

  10. Anonymous9:36 AM

    This is my last comment here as I feel dirty, unless of course you wish to start another thread, then I will indeed come and retort.

    Shotgun: I am not saying anything of the sort. I am saying that I did not commit murder. The charge and conviction was for manslaughter. It wasn't the main bedroom but the back bedroom. The other 6 or 7 ex-cons who had stayed with her described her as unbearable. I tend to agree with them.

    The judge tended to disagree that it was not murder, and you can run from your crime and guilt all you like; the facts speak for themselves. You lived with this lady for how long? Like your profile, more than a little disingenuous; you lived with this lady for a matter of only a week or two and she was that unbearable? I#'m surprised there are not millions of murders a year of wives...all like you with tacit claims of justifiable homicide.

    Of you're so big on the law, you would realise, and admit to yourself, that the charge and conviction is part of the process and in most cases bears little resemblance of to the actual crime.

    It does seem obvious though that you believe you were justified because she apparently drove you to it.

    You will never be anything but a murderer, and attract contempt, until and unless you face up to what you did and stop this incessant rationalising of how you were justified and were so hard done to through your life. My childhood and upbringing was not that pleasant, but I have never been convicted of anything and my only crime has been a single parking ticket, literally.

    You are a litany of excuses, and you refuse to take responsibility for your crimes, and that is what makes you so contemptible.

    The details as you refer to the article is in my archive if you had bothered to look. Link The taxpayer did not buy my computer, friends bought it.

    Really? Be careful of your friends, they are not always what they seem.

    The link is in the post, I updated it. I wouldn't link to you in my side bar that's for blogs I recommend are a good read. It's because I am honest with them that they keep coming back. Not everybody is as angry, bitter and twisted as yourself.

    I find it more than a little amusing that you describe me as twisted LMAO!

    Your last comment you should have addressed to Geordie...

    I did.

    I disallow anonymous or non registered comments on my blog for a simple reason; it ensures no-one can accuse me of commenting and supporting myself. You should try this, and I'm surprised all these millions of people who love you so much haven't commented here...curious eh?

  11. Anonymous2:08 PM

    He describes himself as right of centre! I find it sad that he has a very small vocabulary and sees the need to add expletives for the sake of it. It is bad enough listening to morons on the bus, but there is no excuse when you have the time to write it down, edit and think.
    I am posting anonymously but I do have a blog. I don't want to attract the neanderthal factions to it.
    Finally, it is bizarre for someone so lacking in coherent English to have a go at foreigners not being able to converse in the language. You remind me of all the Daily Mail readers who comment, 'We should send them all back to there own countrees were they dont have to speak queens english.' (sic)

    Anyway, back to reading some decent stuff instead of giving this fascist the oxygen of.......

  12. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Decent stuff? Like this murdering scum trying to condemn a couple of murdering their child without any evidence? That kind of decent stuff?

    Another anonymous too...

  13. Shotgun: Just checked my stats, I've had 128 hits just in the last hour. I would say that is decent.
