Thursday, September 03, 2009

Piglet compares mums and chooses a dog

Piglet compares mums and chooses a dog

Motherly love: Baby piglet feeds on its new surrogate mum
click on image to see piglet
Nose place like home: The baby piglet nuzzles up to its new mum

Feeding time: Piglet's new canine mother has no problem providing milk for the youngster

Doting: Caring pooch checks up on her new addition

Abandoned piglet is lost and hound: Giant farm dog saves baby pig's bacon by adopting it as one of its own


  1. I never realised piglets were so small!!!

  2. Cherrypie: I don't remember them being that small as a child. It might be a miniature variety?

  3. It could be. Either way it is still cute :-)

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Good morning John and Cherry, we have a couple of small black pigs here, they are so affectionate and go for walks with the dogs.In fact they smell better than the dogs.

