Monday, September 28, 2009

Should the Brown band play on or launch the lifeboats?

Should the Brown band play on or launch the lifeboats?

Support for the Conservative Party is so flimsy that Labour could head off a general election defeat by ousting Gordon Brown, according to a survey for The Independent.

If people believe that Gordon Brown is good with figures but not as Prime Minister, then perhaps one of the Magnificent Seven should take over on a dream ticket with Gordon Brown as Chancellor?


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Labour are so incompetent they failed to order the lifeboats for their rust bucket in the first place due to one of their usual fraudulent activities.

  2. IRONSIDE3:30 PM

    There is not one decent member amongst the lot of them. A bunch of thieving liars. Conservatives are no better, as we soon shall see when Sunshine takes over. If I were in England I would vote for the Loony Party at least they admit to being mad.
