Thursday, July 26, 2007

McCanns seek to censor criticisms of their conduct

From the outset of Madeleine McCann's disappearance, Gerry McCann has sought to control the media so that only his particular spin on events is published and accepted as the truth. However, there have been growing voices on the internet as it emerges that the McCanns version of events do not hold up to close scrutiny. I am aware that the Mirror online forum has been particularly vociferous at condemning the McCanns, and it has emerged that there are those on the Leicester Mercury who have been voicing their criticisms. It now appears that Gerry McCann has sought to censor any criticisms in his local newspaper, and the editor of the Leicester Mercury has now banned people from criticising the McCanns.

Why doesn't Gerry McCann answer the criticisms rather than try to silence them? If he has got nothing to hide, it shouldn't bother him. In my view, the truth hurts. He is hurt that he has not been able to fool all of the people all of the time.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    It beggars belief that the media have lost their critical faculties over this story. Is anyone going to hold them to account?

    I don't buy their stories about paedophile rings and child trafficking. The truth is that a friend/family member harmed her. No stranger danger here.

  2. I agree that it is closer to home.

  3. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "Why doesn't Gerry McCann answer the criticisms rather than try to silence them?"

    I assume that Gerry would use Portuguese laws to defend his silence.

    What is very clear though, is that the Ocean club's Tapas bar is not a typical back garden location when compared to his apartment, which he openly admits was left unlocked via patio doors.

    His apartment was set outside the club and openly accesed from two public roads. Even worse the back room that the three babies were left in was not at all visible from the Ocean club's tapas bar (the front isn't either)and can be accessed via a door and window from the other side.

  4. anonymous: I don't even think that Madeleine was in the bedroom with the other two when they went off for their meal and drinks.

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "anonymous: I don't even think that Madeleine was in the bedroom with the other two when they went off for their meal and drinks. "

    I hope your suspicions are wrong Jailhouse.Yet the police do say near family and those last to see a child alive are the most likely culprits.

    Wish the Press would put such efforts into honour killings though. 250 "muslim" Girls failed to return to school after last year's Summer Holidays with hardly a murmer from the Press or HMG.

  6. Anonymous8:13 PM

    The Robert Murat red herring has cropped up again.

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM

    So jailhouselawyer, why do you think a 'friend','might have harmed' Madeleine? I've always assumed it was the 'father'. I wonder how Beckham and JK Rowling feel after realizing that most of the British public haven't swallowed the media propaganda on this one.
