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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Yesterday, Tony Blair came out with the Queen's speech. I noticed that he failed to address the issue of his government's continued breach of prisoners human rights to vote. Given that Ireland has fulfilled its obligation to the Convention on this issue, there really is no excuse for Tony Blair failing to act. I am not happy about Tony Blair remaining in power if he does not support human rights. What makes it worse is that he introduced the Human Rights Act (1998), into domestic law. Clearly, Tony Blair is a law breaker. That makes him not fit for purpose, he should resign or be removed from office for setting a bad example.

IPRT welcomes introduction of prisoner voting legislation
Date: 18 October, 2006

On 5 October, the Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2006 reached second stage debate in the Dáil. When passed, this legislation will enable prisoners to vote in forthcoming elections by postal ballots.

The IPRT has been lobbying the Government and Opposition parties on the issue of prisoner voting rights since the European Court of Human Rights ruled in 2004 that blanket bans on prisoner voting contravened the European Convention on Human Rights.

The IPRT welcomed the introduction of the Bill by Local Government Minister Dick Roche, and was pleased that it received all party support in the legislature.

Following the second stage debate, the Bill will go to committee. The IPRT was asked by the Government to provide a written submission on the proposed legislation in advance of the committee hearings. This submission was made in mid-October. In it, the IPRT welcomed the Bill, and made a number of technical proposals to modify aspects of the legislation with the goal of ensuring prisoners are best able to register and vote at election time.

The Government has stated that it hopes the Bill will become law before Christmas.

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