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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rich talk from the wife of a low life.

According to Cherie Booth, who is a judge and the wife of Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, "Criminals should be told to apologise to victims". Whilst there is some merit in this style of restorative justice, I feel that the message is somewhat devalued by the fact that this particular judge is married to a war criminal, who not only refuses to apologise for the hundreds of thousands of deaths he has caused by his recklessness, but also shows no remorse for his conduct. Furthermore, he displays such contempt for the electorate by insisting that he did what he believed to be right. We know that that is not true, because he decided to follow George W. Bush into the war with Iraq regardless of the fact that there was no legal justification for his conduct. It is rank hypocrisy for Cherie Booth to be calling on others to accept responsibility for their conduct, whilst at the same time being married to and sleeping with an enemy of the state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, John. I stick firmly by your side on this issue.

Mind you, she is a horny bitch. That is if you happen to fancy fat, greedy fuckers with thighs like legs of beef...

(I could get shot for shit like this. Yuk yuk!)