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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Veneer of respectability in the Tory Party

The problem with veneer is that it is only a thin top coating designed to cover what it is not underneath. Chip away at it, and it exposes the hidden side, one that is certainly less glamorous. David Cameron's Tory Party should be renamed the Veneer Party. Because that is all it is, show. Patrick Mercer has not been sacked for his views, because these are shared by the Tory Party. He has been sacked because he has exposed the underbelly to the electorate. Iain Dale is refraining from commenting until he gets his instructions from Head Office. However, his friends include the Tory and BNP supporter Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes, and the Tory "The Hitch" who regularly posts racist comments on his and other peoples blogs, particularly Guido's.

It's the old saying which springs to mind, you can fool all of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.


Anonymous said...

Hello jailhouselawyer, I followed a link here from Iain Dale's blog.

I am interested to know whether you think Patrick Mercer was right to make those comments.

What do you think of the comments? Should he have been sacked?

Madasafish said...

What jailhouselawyer (or me, or you or anyone else) thinks is irrelevant. He was sacked.

Just as well imo. A political liability.

The Conservatives seem to be full of MPs who have learned nothing from the last 10 years on Opposition. Perhaps they need another 10? Or want another 10?

If so they are doing the right thing to achieve it. It would appear David Cameron has more sense than many of his party.. judging by Mercer that does not appear to be difficult...:-(

jailhouselawyer said...

In the past, it has been said that I am too truthful for my own good. I don't think anybody can be that. But, I know what was meant. All Patrick Mercer was doing was calling a spade a spade. Saying how it is. I don't think somebody should be sacked for speaking the truth. Leroy Hutchinson, a black former corporal who served under Mr Mercer for 12 years has spoken out in his defence. I recall a case where a policeman slapped a black youth, called him a "black bastard", and was cleared of the charges.

Someone thought he was spoiling the image. I know that the Prison Service has tried to tackle instutionalised racism, but I would say it has failed because how can you eradicate ingrained thoughts?

I remember Mr Pike Bishop, Frank Fisher, once posting that he tries not to be racist, which I think is very honest of him. Likewise, I try and and am not always successful, I have a good sense of humour and if something said is funny I laugh, it would be a dull world if we had to pause before laughing to check a joke for its political correctness.

With all the corruption in Labour at the moment and they have still got their jobs, it would appear to be political correctness gone mad. I don't support racism, but I don't think what he said constitutes racism. John Reid's knee-jerkism has now affected the Tories.

Anonymous said...

Is it the case then that this country has a ruling party of liars and warmongers, philanderers, suffers from deep corruption, no honour, and no remorse whatsoever for the deaths of troops working with little or no decent equipment, and an opposition that is so shallow and consists only of show? God help us all if that is the case.

Guido Fawkes said...

You are a complete nutjob.

JRD168 said...

Hmm. I always think it's called political correctness for a reason. Namely that it is "correct", or the right thing to do. Whether people should be sacked for getting things wrong is another matter, but I do think there are some very unpleasant thought lurking in the underbelly of thr Tory Party.

jailhouselawyer said...

Yep, I'm Nuts for Hazel. I think she has been pathetic, in the past, on Question Time, but her campaign manager, Iain Dale, is doing a fine job at promoting her. They say, the incompetent get promoted...

Anonymous said...

I am by trade a carpenter. Today, I stuck what I thought was a walnut veneer on a worktop in a conservatory I had installed and later discovered that I had accidentaly glued Edward Leigh, the conservative member of parliament for Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, to said worktop.

He was not impressed at all. I did offer to try to remove the Evo Stik from his suit but this did not seem to assuage his discontent. After considering the mistake I had made I came to the conclusion that I had used the wrong veneer bacause the labels on the two products were so similar and that the actual products were so alike.

Do you think that I may have used the wrong adhiesive?

jailhouselawyer said...

Ron: Could well have used the wrong glue.

I read a book once, it featured a bloke called Joseph who was a carpenter. He and his wife Mary, had a baby, God knows how, because the story said, she was still a virgin. To cut a long story short, when the baby, who was named Jesus, grew up, his dad's influence in all things wood paid dividends. Because Jesus went on to become the King of the Yews.