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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Labour helped Abrahams set up secret cash transfers

Labour helped Abrahams set up secret cash transfers

"Labour officials helped lawyers acting for David Abrahams to draw up complex covenants that allowed the millionaire businessman to pay up to £650,000 indirectly to the party, the Guardian has learned".

Why does Labour legislate to curb a conduct and then pay lawyers to circumvent the legislation?


Anonymous said...

Oh lets keep digging.....

The planet is in decline, the poor over the world are poorer and the we all worry about dodgy money!!

Who gives a shit every party are up to it in some way, Thats life.

If someones broke the law take them to the cleaners. Oh! sorry we cant because you liberals want us to be free!!!

James Higham said...

Undoubtedly so.