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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Met Commander begins race claim

Met Commander begins race claim

A high-ranking Metropolitan Police officer is starting a claim of racial discrimination against the force.

"Met Commander Ali Dizaei claims ex-Met commissioner Sir Ian Blair and chief executive Catherine Crawford colluded to suspend him from duty".

MBPA chairman Alfred John said: "The Metropolitan Police Authority will have difficulty explaining how an officer, who according to very senior police officers performs exceptionally well in his job, has been suspended from duty when white senior officers subject to more serious complaints remain on duty and are, in fact, promoted".


Anonymous said...

How does he get away with it?

Anonymous said...

Fuckin' right as well! He should be made chief of police as well as being crowned king of England, after all it would be insulting not to give an asian the very highest honour and position in Britain. This is clearly a case of racial discrimination, they have clearly been keeping him nailed down as second in overall command just to stop him getting to the very top in his profession.

On a more serious note the very fact that this pompous git has brought this action against the Met should be a warning to everyone concerned that he has absolutely NO right to be in charge of any department, they should even be thinking twice about letting him keep his present position. This is actually undermining the whole fabric of the police force.

Get rid of the bad shite.