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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Paperboy terrorists and OAP drug farmers?

Paperboy terrorists and OAP drug farmers?


Anti-terror powers used to spy on paperboys

A council used anti-terror powers to spy on paperboys to check whether a village newsagent had not obtained work permits for them

And even more madness...

Police raid elderly couple's garden looking for cannabis

Police raided the home of an elderly couple looking for a drug factory because a plant in their garden smelled like cannabis

Just when you thought you had heard it all...

Man gets Asbo for dressing as schoolgirl


CalumCarr said...

Fucking hell!

jailhouselawyer said...

I'm feeling saner by the minute...

2345 said...

Which begs the question, why were the OAPs and their neighbours not found 'stoned' out of their minds from the alleged vapours ?? !!!

JHL - As in your case, another grotesque waste of taxpayers' money. All that was required was one officer trained to identify 'cannabis' plants. Unnecessary 'paramilitary style' raids on innocent people are a new phenomena since Sir Ian Blair's 'sacking'.