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Friday, June 29, 2007

Tesco "every little helps"

I was pissed off the other day when we had lots of rain and flooding and I noticed that Tesco were selling umbrellas priced at £1 in Pound Shops for £5. Talk about cashing in and every little extra £4 helps their profit.

Worse still, Tesco has been aware that for over a year now that its Cape Fruits are picked by women working 11 hour shifts and being paid just 38p per day.

Tesco says it is not a problem. But, it should be a problem because people shold refuse to shop in Tesco's until they ensure that workers who's produce they sell are paid a decent living wage.

Not only does Tesco make huge profits from child labour in China, it makes profits from women in South Africa.

Every little helps...every little pay to the workers helps profits.

UPDATE: Tesco shareholders in revolt over CEO's £11M pay rise.


Henry North London 2.0 said...

Tesco pay nothing almost for their fresh fruit and veg

In the September of 2004 I chanced upon a real bargain 30p per punnet of Raspberries Amazing I bought eight punnets and froze quite a few

When I was at Uni a friend worked for Tesco and told me that when things were reduced Tesco were still making a profit even when the price was reduced to a quarterof the shelf price.

I realised as I drove home that the true price of the raspberries that I had bought was only about 60-80pence if that more likely they were five pence a punnet

i.e. the amount Tesco would normally pay to the farmer for those eight punnets ( it may even be less) and I realised the poor farmers were being sold out and being robbed blind

Those punnets would usually sell for £1.99 back then

I decided not to buy raspberries and blueberries from the stores anymore. It all helps you know!

In fact whilst I languish at my parents for reasons I wont go into here there are loads of ripe juicy sweet raspberries in my garden in the Capital and I cant eat them and it pisses me off royally along with the blueberries and the strawberries which are being eaten by the woodlice and the slugs and snails which infest my poor garden which is untended.

The supermarkets control 80% of the food of the UK

Thats the big five Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury's Waitrose and Morrisons

80% Thats why we ran out of bread during the fuel protests in 2000

Chris Paul said...

Henry makes some good points. Most interesting for me is why Tesco gets the opprobrium. The others are much the same. In fact in many matters (e.g. Labour relations with UK employees) much worse than Tesco who are top of the pops according to the shopworkers' union usdaw.

Burger King's veg comes from slave rings ... even McDonalds have toed the line but BK will not.

Finally, I can never really understand any kind of socialist argument for family run corner shops which exploit workers (often on similar wages in the UK to your few pennies a day), have poor records on H&S and quality control, are very unaccountable in terms of their procurement, usually have less choice, much higher prices, and perhaps even a higher proportion of profits to fat cats ... albeit families or local small business.

jailhouselawyer said...

Chris on some of my earlier posts I have attacked Asda etc for the low wages of Eastern Europeans packing their carrots.