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Monday, March 09, 2009

Pope and Catholic Church condones paedophile who raped a 9 year old girl

Pope and Catholic Church condones paedophile who raped a 9 year old girl

The Pope and the Catholic Church has ex-communicated a 9 year old girl who was raped and made pregnant by her step father, because she needed a life saving abortion as medical experts felt she would not be able to bear twins at her tender age. The girl's mother has also been ex-communicated, as has the medical professionals involved in the decision and operation upon the girl.

However, the paedophile stepfather has not been ex-communicated. Therefore, as has long been suspected, the Catholic Church condones paedophilia.

Shame on the Pope and shame on the Catholic Church!


Anonymous said...

PZ Meyers nails it in this post.

Anonymous said...

Why would any of those involved want to stay in an organisation as rank as this? Plenty of catholics in the UK and the US are excommunicating themselves over their church being a refuge for paedophiles. If it wasn't for the immigrant workers I reckon the catholic church in the UK would be on the verge of going out of business.

ELA said...

John, if you read the report more carefully, and without prejudice, the 9 year old who had the abortion was not excommunicated but rather her mother who arranged the abortion, as well as the doctors. As far as the stepfather is concerned, though rape is a terrible evil, it is not as serious a crime as murder. Abortion, because it is the willful destruction of an innocent human being, carries with it the penalty of automatic excommunication, as far as the Church is concerned.
When you stand before God to give an account for your own sins, as all of us will some day, you will realize that God does indeed have a role for the Catholic Church to play in the affairs of men. Making distinctions such as these in this high profile story is one aspect of that role.
Also keep in mind that nobody is forced to be a Catholic. It is a voluntary association and anyone may withdraw at anytime of their own free will. The verdict of the Church in this sad case was aimed at the Catholics involved in the various crimes, not non-Catholics.
Finally, for the good of your soul, I'd suggest you get up to speed quickly in regard to the Catholic Church (the Bride of Christ) while you’re still on this side of eternity, and I don't mean that in any flippant way.