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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Christina Schmid: Soldiers Champion?

Christina Schmid: Soldiers Champion?

"Christina Schmid talks to Newsnight about the pledge she made to her husband, Staff Sergeant Olaf Schmid, to speak out about the dangers of IEDs and the amputees that go un-reported".

Newsnight report.

Last night Newsnight led with the story that 100 British soldiers have now been killed in Afghanistan. Kirsty Wark spent 8 minutes and 22 seconds interviewing Christina Schmid, who's husband was killed in October attempting to defuse an Improvised Explosive Device. While I accept that Christina Schmid is entitled to speak out at her husband's funeral, I question why she was on Newsnight.

Soldiers get killed in wars. Nobody press gangs recruits to sign up and collect the Queen's shilling. They are volunteers. Kirsty Wark stated that there has been a steady rise in soldiers deaths in Afghanistan over the last 8 years. However, I would hardly call 51 deaths last year and 100 this year so far a steady rise. That is a sharp increase. Most of these fatalities have been in the Helmand region. It would indicate to me that the message is loud and clear, get out of our country or else! We should stop interfering in a foreign land.

Christina Schmid stated that we should appreciate what the soldiers are doing for us. I beg to differ. If our country came under attack by a foreign force and our soldiers got killed defending us and our country then I would appreciate their sacrifice. However, human sacrifice is so primitive in a so-called civilised society. Sending cannon fodder abroad in my view cannot be justified. If MPs had to go into the front line and face the flak they would be less likely to start a war.

I am getting fed up with hearing that every soldier who is killed is a hero and is brave. The majority are simply rank and file. Heroism is out of the ordinary. Attempting to defuse bombs requires a special quality. It is tragic that Staff Sergeant Olaf Schmid was killed on his last mission before he was due for leave. Perhaps, he should have kept his head down? It reminds me of prisoners who get gate happy and instead of keeping their nose clean get into trouble at the last minute and end up getting awarded additional days instead of being released on time.

Given that Staff Sergeant Olaf Schmid was killed in October, it is hardly news in December and raises questions why Newsnight led with it as their main story and rolled in Christina Schmid on her perch to parrot her squark. Basically, her message was about the horrors of war. This is hardly news. Why did we have the so-called war to end all wars just to continue having more wars? All this nonsense of Lest We Forget? Politicians should not start them and soldiers should not go abroad and should stay at home and only fight if we are attacked.

I just hope that the MoD does not make Christina Schmid the Soldiers Champion just like the MoJ made Sara Payne the Victims Champion. There are causes which need to be championed but these are two which don't.


Barnacle Bill said...

Once upon a time we did have a "passive" army one that was there to defend the realm and would react only if we were directly threatened.
It was TB who made the British military into a "reactive" force.
First with the bombing of Iraq in 1998, Kosovo in 1999, Sierra Leone in 2000, Afghanistan in 2001, and Iraq again in 2003.
Not bad five wars in six years!
Unfortunately for our poor squaddies they have to go where they are ordered to go, even if it is by a loony like TB.
However, I will agree that Mrs. Schmid does seem to have jumped on the bandwagon. I also think she is being egged on by the Beeb in this as well.

Anonymous said...

She's jumped on the 'gotta have an agent' bandwagon! There's money to be made!

Unknown said...

I take it that none of you a**holes have ever had to take part in in any hostilities!! You have never seen close up the devastation that is experienced by the families left behind. For me Christina Schmid and Joanne McAleese embodie what is great about the women of this country, bringing the reality and understanding to young people what sacrifice is for this country. You pair ought to get your tin helmets on and see what it's like and then see what your families think of you.

Anonymous said...

What a terrible piece of journalism this is. You don't have to agree with the war in Afghan and your are entitled to your opinion, but my god - 'keep his nose clean'? What sort of comment is that? As if Oz was looking to put himself in as much danger as possible! If he had NOT attempted to diffuse that bomb, his whole team may have been killed! And for your information, soldiers ORDERED to do things (including deployoments), he couldn't have told them he didn't feel like it today!! Let us hope YOU don't have to cope wth the untimely death of a loved one whom others describe as 'just rank and file'. What a dispicable, odious person you must be.