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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Telegraph scraping the barrel again

Telegraph scraping the barrel again

Ages ago the MoJ published on its website statistics which showed an increase of mobile phones being discovered within prisons.

An extremist think tank, the Quilliam Foundation, obtained these statistics and sprinkled them into an alarmist report which it published in November claiming that suspected terrorists have used the mobile phones to launch terrorist attacks from within prisons. There is no evidence whatsoever to back up these alarmist claims, nevertheless the Telegraph approaches a Tory rent-a-gob for a quote.

I know there is a shortage of real news at the moment, but surely the Telegraph can come up with something more newsworthy than fiction to fill its pages?

Terror concerns over mobile phones in prison

Mobile phones smuggled into British prisons could be used by Islamist militants to spread their extremist ideology and threaten national security, Conservatives claimed.

A more balanced report from the BBC...

Smuggled mobile phones in prison attacked by Tories

The Conservatives have attacked the government over the number of mobile phones being smuggled into prisons.

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