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Monday, October 22, 2007

The police - your friendly guides

The police - your friendly guides

"Film-maker Darren Pollard was clearing up flood rubbish from his front garden when he noticed the police harassing a youth opposite his house. He started filming the Police Officers. Police then noticed they were being filmed, entered the film-makers private property, told him to stop filming and told him that he was committing an offence".

Plod: "Put the camera down. It's an offence to film the police".

"We are being policed by people who know not the law, but why would they when they can make it up as they go along!" (Darren Pollard).

Hat-Tip to Charon QC.


James Higham said...

I was last seriously living in Britain in 2000 and having lost my documents, went to the police.

Te whole demeanour then was better - there was no overt weaponry, there were even smiles to a member of the public.

Just recently I saw shots of heavily armed bobbies and it didn't look too pleasant. This stuff is coming down from the top.

Police clearly think certain things are OK now when years ago there was at least an attempt to appear public-friendly.

maneatingcheesesandwich said...

As my old sergeant would have said .. "Where's your f***ing hats, you scruffy bags o'sh**e." Looks like a poorly attempted application of the Barbed Wire Act 1863, or the Rag Wool and Flock Act 1847 - two East Anglian favourites for bullsh** purposes. Good job they weren't in town, or they'd have to spend their time shouting at the CCTV cameras....

jailhouselawyer said...

MECS: I thought you had got lost under all the paperwork.

I'd say he was trying to impress her with his heavy hand of the law and he got caught making a fool of himself instead...

Catchthebudgie said...

So you dont think she'll be playing with his truncheon tonight then?