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Monday, September 24, 2007

Sieg Heil

Sieg Heil

When Maggie Thatcher recently visited 10 Downing Street she showed Gordon Brown how to salute to appeal to the Right Minded individuals. She said it was something she picked up from a chap who ruled Germany from about 1933 until 1945...

Gordon catches Mad Cow Disease...


Anonymous said...

It's "Sieg" not "Zeig". Zeig means show in German and your post is stupid and insulting to those of us of lost family to the Nazis.

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous: Thanks for correcting my poor German grammar. It is meant to be amusing. I am sorry that you find it insulting. I suppose you didn't find Basil Fawlty strutting his stuff amusing either?

Anonymous said...

The only thing Thatcher and Brown have in common is that they, along with Hitler, are social authoritarians. Brown, like Hitler, is also an economic authoritarian. Unlike Brown and Thatcher, Hitler was a racist.

Catchthebudgie said...

My grandads neighbour was German and he was a lovely man. Never got greenfly in his greenhouses.

He voted for Thatcher too.

Anonymous said...

I cannot find Nazis funny - when they arrive in the middle of the night and drag your grandparents from their home in Amsterdam and ship them off to gas chambers it's hard to laugh.

Would you giggle about boys being raped in children's homes?

Catchthebudgie said...

A few facts. I am not racist and I dont think rape to little children is cool.
I lost members of my family in the War. But, life goes on and as Evil as Hitler was there are still people on this planet as Evil.

What happened in the war was beyond belief. But, that little joke was told to me by my grandad who was there. Fighting for King and country. He always said that a joke will tell more about something than anything. My Grandad hated Thatcher, what she stood for, he didn't have much time for the Nazi's either.

You need to read more carefully.

I dont leave 3 year olds alone. I dont gas people and dont worship God( Or whatever you want to call it!). I work, pay taxes and support my family. AND, I would not vote Tory!

50 Million people died in that war. Have we learnt anything. Have we hell, Any crime against humanity is evil.
But, still we carry on allowing acts of evil.

Terror rains apon this world day after day after day.

Manchester City supporters dont care, neither will Arsenal. Zimbabwee just ever so nice! Bosnia!! Even Iraq.

So what do think about Isreal? You know gasing people or dropping tonnes of bombs down on them.
Same shit just a quicker way.

War is War. Governments go to war, Religous fruit cakes teach war and the innocent suffer.

Maybe thats a bit over the top.

My great granddad went over the top, guess what? He didn't come back.
I still watched England Vs Germany at Wembley. Like I still laugh at Basil Fawtly.

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous 5.55: I find the Nazi salute funny as well as the goose step. The waves do give one the impression of a Nazi salute, in reality, we know that it is not true.

I fail to see your comparison with a former and present politician giving a wave similar to a Nazi salute, and children getting raped in children's Homes. The first is amusing whilst the second is sick.

Fidothedog said...

Re anon It's "Sieg" not "Zeig" - I think you should lighten up a tad.

Lots of people lost relatives in the camps, an uncle of mine died in a camp.

He fell out of his watchtower.

Hat tip to the late Dave Allen for that one.

jailhouselawyer said...

fidothedog: Can't say I remember hearing that one. Dry sense of humour Dave Allen had, which is surprising really considering he always seemed to have a glass of Irish whisky in his hands...

Fidothedog said...

Fairly sure it was him, then again it matters not as it amused me just the same.