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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's oh so quiet...

It's oh so quiet...

I have visited my usual haunts, news sites and blogs, but failed to find anything which is deserving of a post. However, I have been thinking about ripping into this idiot Daniel Kawczynski MP and correcting both him and Speaker Martin in relation to Police Powers.

I have work in my in tray, an advice to prepare for the Prison Reform Trust on the Prisoners Votes Case: Where do we go from here? So, I suppose I can at least crack on with this given that it is quiet at the moment.

And, there is always housework to do like an early Spring clean.

This is in complete contrast to yesterday when I was prolific with about 10 posts.

UPDATE: Just found what the government is calling a response in the Prisoners Votes Case...

" Government response to the Joint Committee on Human Rights' 31st Report of Session 2007-08

Published on: 27 January 2009

A paper setting out the government's position on the implementation of human rights judgments, in response to a report by the Joint Committee on Human Rights.

The paper considers judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg against the UK under the European Convention on Human Rights and declarations of incompatability by the UK courts under section 4 of the Human Rights Act 1998".

Link here.


Anonymous said...

and just when and how do prisoners get to be consulted??

jailhouselawyer said...

prisonguru: The problem is that the consultation exercise is nothing less than a fraud. The ECtHR did not decide that there should be a consultation exercise. Rather, the Court accepted my argument that the issue had not been debated in Parliament. All the government needed to do was arrange for the issue to be debated in parliament. Instead the government chose to employ a delaying tactic, aka the consultation exercise. Then delay even more with a second fraudulent consultation exercise.

Had it been a genuine consultation exercise, then I would agree that prisoners should have been consulted.