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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jack McConnell exiled to Malawi

The price of failure for Jack McConnell, the former leader of the Labour Party in Scotland, who had his arse kicked by the SNP Leader, Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, is to be exiled to Malawi. Although Jack McConnell gets a fancy sounding title, that is, British High Commissioner to Malawi, and he states that his motive for going there is altruistic "to help improve education for some of the poorest children in the world", it's really akin to a Russian being exiled to Siberia for upsetting the Soviet Regime.


Fidothedog said...

Think I would prefer Siberia, least you could build a decent snowman. Not much chance of that where he is off to.

Barnacle Bill said...

Yes but I bet you he will be on a better salary than you and I. Plus all the perks aasociated with the post.
On top of which his pension will still mean he gets to enjoy a better standard of retirement than us.
No it would have been far better if the twat had been booted out on his arse.
Made to find his way like so many of his fellow Scots who have found themselves on the scraphead at the same age.