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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In the media spotlight...again

In the media spotlight...again

I am expecting a camera crew from BBC 1 Look North to arrive at Myhaven in about an hour's time. The subject is the recent price hike for energy supplies. It has emerged that the big 3 suppliers have been accused of price fixing. All I know is that I spend 50% of my jobseekers allowance each week on gas and electric. Last year, N Power put a 25% increase on my bills twice within a few weeks. And recently, they put another 17% on my bill. That's an increase of 67% in less than a year, and yet we are told that inflation is at 2%. Not only have they increased it by 17%, but they have also increased the amount they claw back on my debt. This went up from £3.40 per week to £5.00. In effect, they have increased the price of the gas I have already used which was supplied at a cheaper rate.

UPDATE: There will be a brief piece on the 1 O'Clock News at lunchtime and a bigger piece on the 6.30 Look North tonight.

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