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Friday, January 18, 2008

The silly season

The silly season

Labour: "Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime".

Police response: Police cast as villains in panto row

An amateur dramatics group staging a pantomime version of Pirates of the Caribbean in Carnon Downs, Cornwall, has been told by police to keep two plastic swords and a pop-gun under lock and key whenever the props are not being used on stage. Elaine Gummow, the co-director, said that to satisfy health and safety regulations she had to inform the local constabulary if she planned to move the offending items. She added: “It all seems a bit ridiculous – we had to tell police we had ‘no malicious intent’. There are heavier things on stage that can cause injury than plastic swords.”


Fidothedog said...

Maybe they should claim to be "Tough on plastic swords, tough on the causes of plastic swords."

It just shows that there are far to many people employed by the state with nothing of any importance to do with their time.

jailhouselawyer said...

fidothedog: And, I used to think it was just me that was mad...