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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

McCanns in flight from justice and assisted by Home Secretary

McCanns in flight from justice and assisted by Home Secretary

Why is the Home Secretary allowing the child killers Gerry and Kate McCann to escape justice?

It is nonsense for Clarence Mitchell to claim that the McCanns are happy to answer police questions and support this process. When they were given the opportunity to answer police questions in Portugal they fled to Britain on the next available flight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well the shifty snatchers have been out of the news for a while!
So now they can blame someone else...The home secretary!!

I think they need to hold out for 18 months and they are doing a grand job.

I bet once that time has passed they will decide not to continue with the fund?

The look-a-like that everyone remarkably remembers after 8 months looks more like the guy from shameless.

This has to be one of the biggest scams ever and why oh why do so many people buy into it?

As for Clarence Mitchell, what a stuck up prick... enough said.