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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Berk on a Bike Cameron to be given road safety advice from police

Berk on a Bike Cameron to be given road safety advice from police

"Bike menace David Cameron faces a humiliating lecture from police safety bosses over his hazardous cycling.

Met chiefs called him "very stupid" after the Mirror filmed him breaking four road laws - including going past a red light - in 22 minutes


James Higham said...

Does this reflect on hi or on the state of affairs where one needs only sneeze in Britain and it is an arrestable offence.

Devonshire Dumpling said...

I would like to knock this twat right off his bike. Please give me his hazardous cycling route.I'll drive up there immediately.

Anonymous said...

He should resign immediately, he would have expected no less from Gordon. Thankfully Gordon behaves like a grown man and does not go around looking like this prat on a bike. That could catch on, Gordon could use it at PMQs. Cameron is "a prat on a bike" What do think ? Lets spread the word. Altogether now "Cameron is a prat on a bike" again louder, and with feeling....

Devonshire Dumpling said...

Thankfully Gordon behaves like a grown man and does not go around looking like this prat on a bike. I totally agree! Gordon just goes round everywhere looking like a prat.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with the above comment....

Anonymous said...

Cameron's biggest crime is to apologise to the Mirror.

Anonymous said...

I ACTUALLY like the freedoms of being a cyclist.

No doubt Nu Labour will clamp down on that.

white rabbit said...

It would be a very bad thing to suggest someone knocks the Tory twerp offf his bike.

So I'm not doing that...