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Monday, March 31, 2008

Watchdog's threat to 42-day terror law

Watchdog's threat to 42-day terror law

"The government's own human rights watchdog threatened last night to launch a legal challenge to Labour's plan to introduce a law that would let police detain terror suspects without charge for 42 days.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission says the key part of the counter-terrorism bill goes against human rights law and may breach the Race Relations Act

According to the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, "it is necessary to protect this country from the serious, sustained, and in some ways growing threat from international terrorism". I think we would need to see some evidence to support her claims. As it stands, it appears that she is trying to frighten us as though we are all small children with tales of monsters hiding in the cupboard or under the bed.

A PR coup for al-Qaida

Extending pre-charge detention to 42 days will help terrorists, not police. Smarter tactics are needed

Beat the retreat

Guardian Leader: Counter-terrorism bill

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