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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Blogger forced into silence

Blogger forced into silence

Following the MSM publicity in the Sunday Times and Sunday Telegraph, the Civil Serf blog has been pulled.

This has to be a blow against freedom of speech.

UPDATE: Are you sure? Your search for Civil Serf in DWP found 309 hits.


James Higham said...

It's just plain wrong.

The Uncivil Servant said...

Just goes to prove that what she was writing was absolutely true.

The Uncivil Servant said...

Is Iain Dale on holiday? He isn't in your recent readers list today. He's normally up there in the top three or four. (paranoia list!)

jailhouselawyer said...

He appears to have removed himself from my contacts on myweblog so he won't show his face if he visits.