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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Straw man

Straw man

There must be more than one Jack Straw at large in the cabinet. The thoughtful Mr Straw wrote the forward to a recent collection of essays on penal reform, a book which not only called for a massive cut in the prison population, but included that call in its title. The other one delivered a hardline speech on punishment yesterday. One of these men panders to liberal reformers - indeed, would like to be thought of as something of a liberal himself. The other goes down well with the Daily Mail. Only an old lag at the political game, serving his second stretch in charge of the justice system, could be both of these people at the same time.

It is nice to know that it is not just me who can see through Jack Straw and his half-baked policies.


2345 said...

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways - is Jack Straw appeasing British advisors/voters or Brussel's dictate ?

Anonymous said...

some people-prisoners especially-may be worried that a schizophrenic opportunist is in charge of criminal justice. Or they may view it as "same sh*t, different day". Perhaps people who share straws views get the criminal justice system they deserve.