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Friday, November 07, 2008

MPs should only have inside interests and no outside interests

MPs should only have inside interests and no outside interests

The Independent reports "David Cameron may be forced to shelve plans to curb the outside earnings of his Shadow Cabinet after a revolt by frontbenchers who do not want to give up their lucrative jobs outside politics".

In my view, no MP can serve two masters. No MP should have any outside interests whatsoever which clashes with their roles as a MP. Those MPs who desire to have outside interests should resign to allow themselves to pursue those outside interests, and leave the full-time job of being an MP to those committed to serving the electorate rather than serving themselves.


James Higham said...

Even in these difficult economic times? :)

2345 said...


Interests at taxpayers' expense should be openly declared. MP's have twice called for investigation into 'closed shop' PFI's (reportedly masonic links) and vast management costs. Your pet hate Titan jails is one example of PFI profiteering. One revelation from Nulabor's financial meltdown is that it borrowed £110 b of taxpayers money for lucrative PFI's.

A colleague recently pointed out that had Brown behaved like this in the private sector who would undoubtedly have been arrested and imprisoned for fraud and financial impropriety.