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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Animal pictures of the week

Animal pictures of the week

Blanche, a five-year-old albino wallaby, is seen with her three-month-old regular-coloured joey in her pouch, at Tropical Wings Wildlife centre in Essex

A sea otter in Elkhorn Slough Estuary, California, wields a video camera. Judging by the state of the camera, which was covered in algae, it is believed the otter retrieved it from the bottom of the estuary Picture: KPA/ZUMA/REX FEATURES...At first sight I thought it was Cherrypie doing some underwater photography:-)

A carnivore keeper holds meerkat pups, the first to be born in nine years at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia. The pups named Zanzibar and Nairobi are four weeks old, born on Jan. 23, 2009 Picture: AP

Polar bear Knut, enjoying the snow in his enclosure, at the zoo in Berlin, Germany...
Picture: AP

...Knut the polar bear plays with snow balls...Picture: AP

Kartini, the white Bengal tiger, feeds her day-old cubs at Bali Zoo park in Bali, Indonesia...Picture: AP

...All tired out after lunch, the tiger cubs have a catnap Picture: EPA

A pet fox named Miss Snooks has her belly rubbed. Steve Edgington took in Miss Snooks when she was a 10-day old cub and looks after her at his home in Ditchling, East Sussex Picture: M+Y PORTSMOUTH

A dog suckles her puppies at Halikisla village of Kars, eastern Turkey
Picture: AFP/GETTY

A bird pecks on a piece of pork fat on a tree branch, in a park in Minsk, Belarus
Picture: AP


CherryPie said...

I can swim that well :-)

I am surprised the otter was able to carry that...

jailhouselawyer said...

Cherrypie: I have seen them on wildlife films on their backs with a largish boulder on their chest as they break open shell life with another stone or half brick.