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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Be afraid, be very afraid

Be afraid, be very afraid

Documenting dissent is under attack

From Monday, you could be arrested for taking and publishing a photograph of someone in intelligence, the police or armed forces

What ever happened to my country whilst I slept? I awake and find myself having a nightmare. Remember you have the liberty to...remember you have the liberty to...remember you have the liberty to...What the fuck do we have the liberty to do anymore?


Devonshire Dumpling said...

It’s an EU thing I think. It certainly is the rule in France and the gendarmes get very nasty if you point a camera in their direction (as I found out twice)and wave a baton menacingly if you even politely ask to take their photo.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it is an EU "thing" or not, but, in the case that it was, that would explain things nicely - what with the UK always tripping over itself to conform to EU legislation ASAP... votes for prisoners for example.

Merkin said...

Ex-armed forces personnel are included.

So, catch Paddy with his Pantsdown and you could be seeing a long stretch.

Jemmy Hope said...

D.D., care to show us chapter and verse of EU legislation that forced this on the protectors of our liberties?