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Friday, June 13, 2008

21/7 plotter's wife gets 15 years

21/7 plotter's wife gets 15 years

"The wife of attempted 21 July bomber Hussain Osman has been jailed for 15 years for failing to tell police about his plot to attack London".

I think this sentence is extreme. Had it been anything else rather than terrorism where she aided an offender I feel she would have received a sentence of 2 years.


Anonymous said...

When I heard about it on the News yesterday I thought exactly the same.

Merkin said...

Another show trial to coincide with the 42 day vote.

Anonymous said...

Are your ears burning, John? My, my, you are really well connected. Better connected than the McCanns. And according to the antis, being connected is a deadly sin. The above link isn’t my site, btw. I just found it today.

I quite like your new forum. You are very fair. Cannot say the same for your Mods, but for a new boy, you seem to know your way around the forum banter and jargon. Bump this, ban that, spot the troll, FWIW, imhohoho.

For a person who suffers from Aspergers Syndrome, I must congratulate you on your fine mastery of English Grammar, spelling, and use of the keyboard. It takes a meticulous person to never put a foot wrong as regards the misplacement of a comma, a split infinitive or a dangling participle. It must really bug you to read all those illiterate postings on your forum, especially those who use the possessive apostrophe when they are referring to the plural of something.

James Higham said...

Depends how implicated she was.

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous 12.25: I tried the link in Firefox and it said no result found. Therefore, I was unable to read the criticisms.

jailhouselawyer said...

I have now read the comment. Pretty mild compared to some I have read.