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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Is Bush's legacy his failure to capture Osma Bin Laden?

Is Bush's legacy his failure to capture Osma Bin Laden?

If the world is a safer place when George Bush leaves the Whitehouse, it won't be because he arranged the topple from power and execution of Saddam Hussein. And now he wants Osma Bin Laden's head before he leaves office.

It will be a safer place because the mad man has left the Whitehouse. All he has achieved is to turn the public opinion of the world against the US.

1 comment:

Nunyaa said...

I disagree. Can't tell me the rest of the world is so gullible to believe just 1 man, love or hate the USA, next time you people who whinge about the USA and need their help or aid, do it alone. Like the UK has a real good track record...know where I would rather live between the UK and USA...thank God it isn't the first one.