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Monday, June 16, 2008

Branding of criminals is barbaric

Branding of criminals is barbaric

"Offenders carrying out community sentences could be forced to wear high-visibility bibs that will mark them out as criminals, part of measures designed to restore public confidence".

Recently, we had the case where a prison van was diverted for 120 miles just to take a criminal to court across the road and not expose his handcuffs to the public. Therefore, it appears madness that the government now wants to expose criminals to the public to show them that the Criminal Justice System is working and to restore public confidence in the system.

I don't believe that a return to the Mediaeval Age whereby the branding of criminals was a common practice, is a way forward. Making them stand out is going to do wonders for their low self-esteem isn't it?

Talk about slaves of the State. I think it is diabolical that paying for one's crime involves working for the government for no pay. If prisoners in custody are paid a wage, albeit a mere pittance, I fail to see the justification of forcing those not in custody to work for nothing.


Anonymous said...

How would watching someone else's humiliation restore my confidence?

jailhouselawyer said...

africanmum: Precisely, it wouldn't. It's just for show.