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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

LibDems and Tories have got it wrong on how to cut crime

LibDems and Tories have got it wrong on how to cut crime

Neither the LibDem home affairs spokesman, Chris Huhne, nor the Tory shadow home secretary, Dominic Grieve, have got a clue when it comes to reducing crime.

According to Chris Huhne: "The answer's simple. Catch criminals to cut crime".

According to Dominic Grieve: catching criminals will not "cut crime unless you provide the prison places to deal with the criminals once apprehended".

In my view, they have both missed the blindingly obvious. Catching criminals after the crime, whilst it is desirable to catch criminals, this is too late because the act has already been committed. The only sensible way to cut crime is to have an effective crime prevention policy in the first place. Prevention is better than a cure.

Is it too much to ask that when the Labour Party conference gets under way on Saturday, that both the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, and justice minister, Jack Straw, will talk about closing the gate before the horse has bolted?


Anonymous said...

The answer is blindingly obvious; GET THAT TOSSER WITH THE SPEED CAMERA BACK ON THE BEAT and stop trying to make criminals out of innocent citizens in their cars.

There. I speaks.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. Get the Bobbies back on the beat.

Anonymous said...


Lack of good parenting, lack of deterrent, lack of police presence.

Children cannot teach themselves 'right' from 'wrong'.

Anonymous said...

Especially when the state has taken away all rights from the parents to use corporal punishment on tearaway youths. Kids just laugh at you and threaten to report you to big brother if a parent gets a tad irate. Worst thing is that the FEKKIN' SCHOOLS TEACH THEM THIS in a lesson known as "citizenship"

Feck my old shoeware...