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Monday, September 15, 2008

Sharia law not legal in England

Sharia law not legal in England

It is not legal for the government to introduce Sharia law into England on the quiet and through the back door, as reported in the Sunday Times yesterday, and picked up by the Daily Telegraph today, simply because Parliament has not passed a statute authorising such a move. Nor has Parliament debated the issue.

This is not a case of one law for us and one law for them. Sharia law is for Islamic countries, I had not realised that we had been concquered by the Muslims. The last time I looked we were still governed by English law. That's one law for all. Can you imagine someone English going to Iran and demanding that English law prevails over Sharia law? It is probably the quickest way to lose one's head.

I do not see a problem with Muslims agreeing to Sharia law governing their own business affairs, however, regardless of Muslims feelings on this issue, when it comes to domestic violence, it has to be English law which prevails.

Unless the government backs down on this issue, we should man the barricades.


Anonymous said...


No excuse - Brown's reported to be a lawyer !

What legal rights do Councils have to penalize and heavily fine the likes of the lady (you posted) who placed her dustbin on the path to give her children room to play ?

If leglislation allowing this has been passed by Parliament why are Councils not likewise heavily fined for leaving uncollected vermin enticing rubbish bins on the pavements for (in some areas) two weeks ?

Anonymous said...


Whilst other EU countries take pride in and strive to preserve their national identity and laws, Britain's Labour Government, according to your report, is failing to do so and acting illegally !!

"When in Rome" is rule number one in any country for good citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Gordon Braunschweiger is handing everything including the crown jewels to foreigners. A prime minister without reponsibilities. What a great job. Just make sure that you are born into the right family, go to Eton or some other school where the "old boy's network" is recognised and you can get a comfy job just taking orders from Brussels and not have to use the brain in your head which had been honed on "spankies" and "beastings" by older boys in aforementioned public school.

As you quite rightly said, Sharia law (google Shari Lewis and Lambchop) is not legal in this country but then again it is also not legal to ride around in a BMW with no tax and no insurance such as Romainian illegals do in Boston, Lincolnshire and indeed Kingston upon Hull, BUT the police have orders to ignore their transgressions as the culprits have no legal documents and create too much paperwork for the law. Just let them go, it's easier.

Fuck the shutters and all that sail in them, as Frankie Nunns once said!