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Monday, November 30, 2009

Dominic Grieve in Hitleresque bid to abolish human rights

British courts will be able to ignore European human rights rulings, says Dominic Grieve

Courts will be able to ignore European rulings on human rights under Conservative plans to give power back to British judges, Dominic Grieve, the shadow justice secretary, said.

Mr Grieve said in a speech that the current Human Rights Act had been “interpreted as requiring a degree of deference to Strasbourg that I believe was and should be neither required nor intended”.

Instead, he said, a new Bill of Rights - which would replace the Human Rights Act - would make clear that British courts could allow for UK common law to take precedence over decisions by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Dominic Grieve. Pencil. Box. Not sharpest.


jo said...

Hi John
Who the fuck the english think they are??????

Barnacle Bill said...

I think this is just a sop to throw to the plebs after the betrayal over Cameron's "cast iron" guarantee on a Lisbon Treaty referendum.
Anyway I think it is such a potential legal minefield if NuCon do get in, that the only benefactors will be the lawyers - once again!
So for the moment I'm treating it as one of NuCon's "aspirations" that will soon be forgotten once they get in.