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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Hoon's under the hammer

Hoon's under the hammer

Geoff Hoon in three homes expenses row

A Cabinet minister claimed expenses on his constituency house and rented out his London home while living in a grace and favour apartment in Whitehall, it has been disclosed.

"Geoff Hoon lived rent free for three and a half years in Admiralty House, London, when he was Defence Secretary responsible for British troops in Iraq. While staying at the palatial building, he earned money from a London property he declared as his main home and then claimed tens of thousands of pounds of taxpayer's money for the upkeep of his constituency home in Derby".

According to Geoff Hoon, he has done nothing wrong. Is he a socialist or a capitalist? He has done something wrong, he has abused the system. The system is also wrong for allowing him to get away with this. Feathering his own nest whilst at the same time living off state benefits which is what this amounts to. No ifs no buts.

It is no good David Cameron claiming he will put a stop to this abuse if he gets into Number 10 Downing Street. The Tories had 18 years in which they could have put a stop to this kind of abuse when they were in power under Thatcherism.

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