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Friday, April 03, 2009

Mark Leech police informant libels Jailhouselawyer

Mark Leech police informant libels Jailhouselawyer

Google Street Photographs will not be able to discover the exact whereabouts of the Institute of Prison law. Because as an institute it does not exist. This phantom place of learning is the brainchild of Mark Leech. He is a conman. One of his con tricks is to arrange free visits to prisons and charge a fee for this to those gullible enough to fall for it.

Mark Leech, aka Nark, is a known police informant. In prison terms that makes him a grass. One of the lowest of the low. He has no formal legal qualifications, and he claims to be in a position to say who is competent to practice prison law. That is, those who pay him money for his 10 hour course. And, of course, those who pay to advertise in his gutter press ConVerse. As with the institute, ConVerse is a fraud of a newspaper. The content is plagarised from other published sources.

In the latest edition of ConVerse, the HIV-positive police informant, Mark Leech, has decided to libel me. Mark Leech regularly goes to Thailand, renowned for drugs and underage sex. It is not being claimed that Mark Leech goes there for drugs.

It's not ok to be qualified by an institute that does not exist except in the mind of Mark Leech.


CherryPie said...

On what basis does he claim to libel you?

jailhouselawyer said...

Cherrypie: I am claiming that he has libelled me in the latest edition of his newspaper ConVerse. He claims that I have received a stern warning from the police and Probation Service for a racist rant. It is not true. He states: "Steve Hemming, Chief Probation
Officer for Humberside said: "Both
Humberside Police and Probation
are aware of the matter and have
left him in no doubt that this is not acceptable behaviour". Whether this is a genuine quote I don't know, but nobody from either the Probation or police have warned me in relation to Leech's claim. A friend of mine dismisses him thus "more inaccurate scaremongering slander.....what a pitiful unfulfilled little man".

CherryPie said...

Ask for evidence of the quote ;-)