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Monday, February 26, 2007

How many dumb blondes does it take to change a light bulb?

Zoe Phillips, who is blonde, attempted to present Blogger TV on - Politics for adults, because Iain Dale is away in Washington, USA. My first ground for complaint is that 18DS has taken to placing a logo on the screen, so that the adults who do tune in know what they are watching. My second ground of complaint, is that the studio backdrop is an 18DS logo, no doubt to underline the fact for the adults tuning in that they are watching 18DS politics for adults. Take it from me, no child would find this programme interesting enough to watch it!

Zoe Phillips announces that she is standing in for Iain Dale, when it is obvious to any viewer that she is sitting down on a sofa. My next complaint is that she invites people to email in or MSN to express their views. And then takes a leaf out of Tony Blair's book by failing to read out any emails or MSN messages for the 55 minutes that the programme was on air. The laptop by her side was not a studio prop, it actually works. Oddly, she stated that people had signed in and that the MSNs were lighting up and turned to the screen and said "I hope you are watching?". Duh!

The programme is called Blogger TV, and for the first five minutes she and the guests actually talked about blogs. But, then it got side tracked onto the subject of the EU and stayed on that for the next 45 minutes. Then Zoe Phillips mentioned a blogger called Elle, and stated "staying on the subject of Europe", and asked why energy saving light bulbs don't come on when you switch them on. Duh! But they do come on, they just take awhile to get up to full brightness! James Oates, one of the guest's, suggested that she change her light bulb. He really should not expect so much from the presenter, and I think he was being unfair assuming that she would know how to do this.

The saving grace was that the arrogant sod Croydonian, was not wearing his day glow yellow socks again! The programme ended 5 minutes early, this was a relief, given that it was advertised as one thing and another programme was being shown. It was not Vox Politix, but Zoe Phillips must have got confused or she did not know how to steer the conversation or keep it on topic. This raises the question why is she a presenter on 18DS? When the credits rolled, I noted that there was no producer credited. I feel that 18DS should spend less on smear ads and hire a producer instead. Vox Politix started 3 minutes late, which meant that we were treated to 8 minutes of looped music and pictures of a blue sky. Someone had thoughtfully invited a psychiatrist to attend Zoe Phillips on the couch...

Has 18DS lost the plot?

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