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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New York millionaires guilty in 'modern day slavery' case

New York millionaires guilty in 'modern day slavery' case

A jury yesterday convicted a millionaire couple of enslaving two Indonesian women they brought to their New York mansion to work as housekeepers, subjecting them to repeated psychological and physical abuse and forcing them to work 18 hours or more a day.


Anonymous said...

It just had to be asians, didn't it? I too have suffered at the hands of unscrupulous rich asians. They have no morals and care about nobody but themselves and their immediate family. This sort of scum would kick beggars in the street. I hope they bring back hanging for this type of scum.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Malawi for a short period, and I saw how wealthy Asians humiliated their black Malawian workers.
However, I do remember visiting a few British couples who were equally bad in their behaviour to their black Malawian servants. One particular young British couple had two old people serving them whom they cruelly, and unashamedly bullied, reducing the old lady to tears infront of their dining guests. The profession of these British people...DOCTORS!!! And by the way, the local gossip was that they were all wife swoppers! As regards their children, well, their toddlers were allowed to hit, verbally abuse, and order around their Malawian servants. But, as for killing or kidnapping, well, they had the whole town of ........... to play around with so, who knows what they did.