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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kate McCann insults the Portuguese public

Kate McCann insults the Portuguese public


Catchthebudgie said...

There doesnt seem to be anyone left to blame now. I have always wondered about the portuguese! Fancy not responding to the needs of those caring and loving parents.

Shame on us all!!!!

Anonymous said...

So what is the point of an instant child missing alert system, when you have been out on the piss all night with your child left alone, only to get back to base finding your baby missing?

Anonymous said...

I saw this Irish paper where it said she was blaming MEPs for her plight.
Then there's this case in Dublin where a teenager went missing in Spain. Her family have engaged a certain C. Mitchell (yes, that one) to speak for them. And her mum said she had spoken to Portuguese police and was shocked to find they didn't have her daughter on their database of missing persons. Now why would they be involved with someone who went missing elsewhere. But C M has to keep fighting the Portuguese police.

Anonymous said...

It must frustrate you how people you persecute dismiss you as a maniac with no comment

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymong 9.26: Not at all.