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Friday, June 08, 2007

Great Britain is sold to Saudi Arabia

It used to be the case that gullible Americans thought they were buying landmarks in Britain and they were being conned. Now, its the British people who have been conned as we have been sold out. Lord Goldsmith, the Attorney General for Saudi Arabia, keeps trying to tell us that he makes decisions on behalf of the British public. Anyone else who has misled Parliament would have to resign. Why is this corrupt official still in public office?


Jeremy Jacobs said...

Explains much of the institutional anti-semitism and pro-Arab bias in the British media. (But I think I've known that since I was about 12)

jailhouselawyer said...

Jeremy: This whole case stinks to high heaven. As I understand it, this carry on was started under Margaret Thatcher and carried on under this government. What makes it worse under Labour is that they brought out laws to prevent this and then broke their own laws to continue the practice. And when a Law Officer such as Goldsmith is so involved in the scandal it is even worse still.

Anonymous said...

This corrupt official is still in public office because the Prime Minister is still in office for similar offences. To be fair, if you have to root ONE out you have to root the rest out. Then we would have nobody left in the houses of corruptament.

jailhouselawyer said...

Ron: I like the Houses of Corruptment. It about sums the place up. I used to refer to them as the Houses of Correction. Either way they are villains.