A mixture of law, politics, autobiography and humour. Once described as "The Devilish Advocate"
(Guardian), I do have the ability to provoke a response. Sometimes it comes from someone who uses a thought process, and sometimes from jerks usually associated with the knee.
In the first fifteen years of my time, I had ten prangs. For five of them I was stationary, one was ramming a bandit car (those were the days), one destroyed a phone box, one nearly saw me plummet off a flyover, one left me facing the wrong way in a one way system, having spun around twice and the last involved reversing a Transit into a lamp post, which put a sledgehammer-proof crease in the back step. So one out of ten's not bad. Oh, and I killed a cat. Sorry Ron.
In the first fifteen years of my time, I had ten prangs. For five of them I was stationary, one was ramming a bandit car (those were the days), one destroyed a phone box, one nearly saw me plummet off a flyover, one left me facing the wrong way in a one way system, having spun around twice and the last involved reversing a Transit into a lamp post, which put a sledgehammer-proof crease in the back step. So one out of ten's not bad. Oh, and I killed a cat. Sorry Ron.
I expect Ron will have something to say about your last sentence...
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