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Sunday, June 03, 2007

If the McCanns want to raise awareness they should answer questions

I don't think having a Madeliene Day, a Madeliene pop concert and a Madeliene sports event will help matters.

A return to basics might. By that I mean subjecting the McCanns to proper questioning to get at the truth to what happened to the missing Maddeliene.

Anything else is pure distraction. And, it doesn't help matters when the majority of the media keeps repeating the false story of an abduction. The false story of checking on the kids every half hour.


Anonymous said...

Computer fixed? ;)

I am well and truly fed up with the McCanns now. I can't go to a news site or open a paper without seeing where they're going on their around the world trip. Do they really think them going to Italy, or Spain, or Germany will make anyone in those countries look any harder, or care anymore? Mind you, the FindMadeliene fund has shot up in the last week or so...

ziz said...

I have tried (with some difficulty) to arrive at a timeline of events surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine.

Strangely the fleet of reporters have not re-visited the tpas bar where the parents lingered over a meal (never leaving according to reports from staff in Portuguese press) ... You can imagine the opening par.."I am sat where the MC Canns, happy, carefree parents of 3 lovely children sat enjoying a quesadilla with a lightly chilled bottle of Monchique water...from where I can see round a corner the..."

As the funds collected are for the benefit of "the McCann family" whomsoever they may be they may have difficulty ensuring expenditure equals income in the first accounting period.

Perhaps they could fund a post graduate reesearch project into why wealthy middle class, well educated parents, who have so striven for parenthood by having 3 IVF children, leave them alone for hours whilst they enjoy friends, a meal, good company in the soft spring sunshine, as dusk creeps in over the sea...

Anonymous said...

Yes back to basics is required.

First Basic is that offences against children are mostly committed by the Child's immediate family.

Robert Murat has been totally trashed by the UK press but everything he as said has been confirmed as true.

The McCann's have been treated as Saints by the UK press and just about everything they have said has been shown as Lies.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we could have first things first, such as a list of the McCanns movements on the day that Madeline disappeared (prior to the meal), including a list of who saw them with Madeline on that day and at what time.

I still maintain that for Madeline to have been abducted from that room she would have needed to have been in there in the first place, and the only people who have said she was in there are guess who - The McCanns

septicisle said...

The very question to them ought to be: Do you really think your campaign has done anything other than drive the person who's taken her underground, quite possibly forever?

jailhouselawyer said...

alan: No the computer is not fixed yet. Meantime, I pop into a cyber cafe for an hour. At home I am usually on it for about 16 hours a day.

Fidothedog said...

Why did the McCanns cross the road? They were leaving their kids (again)

Anonymous said...

Now their case is going to take up a massive chunk of Crimewatch. Surely for this to happen there needs to be some consistency in the evidence?

And it's a shame that crimes without websites and private jets will miss out on air time.

Anonymous said...


Well said.

jailhouselawyer said...

I am beginging to wonder if the mainstream media has lost its sanity. It's like they are all lemmings at the cliff edge and the McCanns say jump and they jump...

Not Saussure said...

I am beginging to wonder if the mainstream media has lost its sanity

When do you say it last displayed much sanity, JHL?

jailhouselawyer said...

notsaussure: Good point. I was forgetting myself...