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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Levy, Turner and Evans to be charged

I do so want this story to be true which was broken by the Daily Mail last night after I had gone to bed. That is, Lord Levy, Ruth Turner and Sir Christopher Evans to be charged for their roles in the cash for honours scandal.

Hat-Tip to Theo Spark for the image of Levy in handcuffs and prison garb.


Chris Paul said...

Good picture of Ruthy. But you will of course recall that a suspect is innocent until proven guilty and that being charged is not the same as being convicted. My informataion is that the CPS think the cases very weak indeed. But that Yates is trying to rescue his wasting police time.

My attitude is that all the parties have been at it, Labour have at least tightened things up a bit, but that while there are honours and donations there are liable to be, how shall we put this?, coincidences shall we say?

And that SNP Maclean is a lecherous user of vicar's children and the like. While a fecking teacher to boot. And elected by just 8000 people.

jailhouselawyer said...

More tea vicar?