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Monday, June 18, 2007

Madeliene: When the balloon goes up

If Gerry McCann did not already know that Madeliene would not be found in 50 days, which the McCanns intend to celebrate with the launch of 50 balloons, why did he announce his intention at 43 days into the search? He already knew in advance. Either Gerry McCann is psychic, or he knows what happened to Madeliene.

It is rather convenient that the so-called crime scene was allowed to be contaminated by the McCanns before the police could forensically examine the flat.


Anonymous said...

Fair point, John. I also think you'd have to go out of your way to get 20-30 people in a room before the police turned up. Did they invite people to come and have a walk around or something? Just seems like a really high number of contaminates...

jailhouselawyer said...

Moreover, if he announced it to the public at the 43 days stage, at what stage did he dream up the idea or discuss it with his media people? I doubt it would have been on the same day...

Anonymous said...

His Media People?

Actually it is the UK Taxpayers Media Person. Foreign Office spokesman Clarence Mitchell who has been running much of the McCann's PR, He even travelled back to the UK with Gerry when he made that brief visit. It is highly probable that Mitchell has been touring Europe and Africa with the McCanns, he was certainly with them in Germany when they were asked those awkward questions.

How many other UK victims of crime are allocated their very own Government spokesman anytime anyplace? I trust that the McCann's Private fighting Company will be helping to pick up his tab.

To get back on topic. It seems very odd to invite 20 or more people into a room that they "instantly knew" Madeleine had been abducted from. Even a dullard like me would have known that the Plod would certainly be taking forensic evidence from there. I would certainly have kept the number of visitors to an absolute minmum and instructed them not to touch or move anything.

Twenty or more people is a large number, those Mark Warner apartments must be absolutely huge. And how come not one has had their story reported by the Media or has Clarence made his influence felt there?

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous: Gerry McCann took control of the media from day one. He steered it in the direction he wanted it to go. I can understand someone seeking to do something once the police have had a go at investigating and come up with nothing. But, it would appear that he also sought to control the police investigation as well. I am still waiting to hear from the last person to see Madeliene other than Gerry and Kate McCann. I suspect that she was not even in the flat when they went for their 3 hour drink session and meal. I suspect that the meal was to try and establish an alibi. As I understand it, Clarence Mitchell left the McCanns to it after the Rome trip.

Anonymous said...

A Quick Google shows Clarence Mitchell speaking on behalf of the family as late as June 15th.

Wonder why the Portuguese Police decided to make the McCann's destroying of forensic evidence public. To simply explain why their job was so difficult in this case or to put pressure on the McCann's for whatever reason?

jailhouselawyer said...

anonymous: Probably a bit of both. I know that the police would be studying the footage of the BBC and Sky interviews that they did, and that the police would have asked the interviewers to ask specific questions to gauge their reactions. I think that the police have been pussyfooting around with them for too long.

Anonymous said...

Clarence Mitchell is Not actually just a Foreign Office Spokesman.

He is Director of the Media Monitoring Unit based in the Cabinet Office in Whitehall

This is their Job description:

"The Media Monitoring Unit provides 24-hour coverage and in-depth news briefings for press officers, policy officials, special advisers and ministers across all government departments."

The McCann's must have friends in high places to get Mitchell put on their case 24/7.

Anonymous said...

A source close to the family said: "It's insensitive at the very least. It's inevitable that there were people in the bedroom."

One or two but twenty? Kate McCann is developing a Diana complex.

Anonymous said...

Is this blog the refuse of a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics... with not alot to do... the level of comment can be summed in one phrase.. 'she did it guv'... it's obvious ain't it.. Given the determination of a couple to simply find their child in incredibly difficult circumstances, they at the least deserve the benefit of the doubt,and are legally entitled to it... not the meandering comments of the ill informed and bored... if you have nothing apposite to add then don't bore us with your drivel... and spare a thought for how this poor women feels, even in the unlikely event that she is ain't done it..