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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Britain threatens to invade US

The headline is a slight exaggeration. David Milliband, the Foreign Secretary, (why we couldn't get a British one I don't know) has written to the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, to request that the US hands over 5 detainees held in Guantanamo Bay who had been granted asylum or refugee status in Britain before they were detained. I would rather that the Firebrand demanded their release than asking pretty please.

BBC story here.


Anonymous said...

I do think that Milliband wants these terrorists extradited so that they can be re-released into the sectarian muslim community so that they can continue their terrorist campaign. Musn't upset the blecks, must we? Bend over backwards to appease the voters springs to mind. Call me a racist if you will, but I hate terrorists.

WHY does the brishit government (sic) waste their efforts on these she-ites? (Ulterior motive detected)

maneatingcheesesandwich said...

I wonder where they were captured ? Assuming that they had left the UK, would it not be reasonable to suggest that, having sought asylum from persecution in their countries of origin then promptly wandered off to put themselves in a position to be considered a threat, they no longer require our care and ahelter ? Why ask for them back at all ?

Anonymous said...


jailhouselawyer said...

richard pierce: I don't believe that they are convicted terrorists. They were not charged or put on trial.

MECS: I understand that it may have been Afghanistan or such like. Don't forget, Bush claimed wide sweeping powers under the war against terrorism. And, they were kidnapped by the CIA. Now the Americans accept that they are not a terrorist threat. Civil Liberties groups have applied pressure. The American want to empty the place, it might not be safe in their own countries. Therefore, its back to good old blighty.

Anonymous said...

2 of them were doing "charity work " in afganistan in june 2001 and 1 knew abu quatada - AQ's man in europe.let them rot in gitmo for ever.

Barnacle Bill said...

More spin, smoke, and mirrors from Gordimmo.
He knows that by pulling this stunt he appears to be "different" from the poodle.
But really it is good old ZaNuLabor up to their usual tricks.
If Gordimmo had had the guts to stand up to the poodle before we got dragged into this whole sorry Middle East affair. This country would have been a better place for it.
So dont waste your venom on these poor pawns in this farce. Instead channel it into bringing to account the real criminals who got us in this mess - Blair, Brown & Bush!